There are 5 Pillars of Islam: Faith, Salah, Soam Zakat and Hajj
The recitation of Kalima is called: Tehlil
Old name of Islam was: Deen-e-Hanif
The first institution of Islam is: Suffah
Haq Mehr in Islam is: 400 Misqal
Agreeing on any subject or matter is called: Ijma or Consensus
Reasoning by analogy in Islam is called: Qayas
There are four schools of thought in Islam: Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’I, and Hanbali
Jannat ul Baqi is situated in: Madina
Jannat ul Moala is situated in: Mecca
False accusation of adultery with 80 Lashes is called: Qazaf
Layla Tul Barrah means: Night of Forgiveness
Karam un Katibin means: Illustrious Writers
The Oldest Mosque on earth is: Kaaba
A person who changed his religion called: Saabi
A person who collects zakat called: Jaabi
The first collection of Ahadith is: Sahifah-e-Saadiqa (collected by Abdullah Bin Amar R.A)
In iman-e-Mufassal essential beliefs are: 7 (Faith in God, Faith in His angels, Faith in His revealed Books, Faith in all of His messengers or Prophets, Faith in the Last Day or the Day of Judgement, Faith in the doctrine of predestination, which lays down that everything good or bad is decided by God), (Taqdir) andFaith in the life after death.
The most exalted angels are: Four
TheGreatest angel as per Islam is: Jibrael
Each human being is attended permanently by: Two Angels
Time period between death and Day of Judgment: Barzakh
Another name of Surah Ali-Isra is: Bani Israel
Holy Prophet (PBUH) was born in: 571 A.D 22nd April
Holy Prophet (PBUH) Father name: Hazrat Abdullah
Holy Prophet (PBUH) Mother Name: Hazrat Amna
Holy Prophet (PBUH) Maternal Grand Father name: Wahib bins Abdul Munnaf
Holy Prophet (PBUH) Maternal Grandmother: Batarah
The real name of Abdu Mutalib was: Shaba
Holy Prophet (PBUH) Grandmother name: Fatima
Holy Prophet (PBUH)had ten paternal uncles: Harith, Zubayr, Abu Talib, Abu Lahab, Qusam, Dirar, Muqawwim, Hajl, Hz. Hamza and Hz. Abbas.
The Prophet (PBUH)had six paternal aunts: Bayda, Barra, Atika, Safiyya, Arwa, and Umayma (Atika, Safiyya , and Arwa were believers)
Prophet (PBUH) journeyed to Syria with Abu Talib at the age of: 12 Years